
Ya have to start 'em YOUNG!!!! So they can master the "night attack!"
I wondered where my earrings went1!! You can "keep 'em!" may be broke...but look at all that "cuteness!"
OK...I won't tell you again..."STOP PLAYING WITH THE CAR!"
I told you not add Glenn Beck!
Now you look like my cardiologist!
You were right...what else can I say!
Well, Caturday is here....but Wimbledon is taking the center stage right now. We have no solid plans for this holiday weekend, but we did buy a BUNCH of fireworks to set off with the neighbors.
Hope everyone has a safe and Happy Fourth of July!! The temps are supposed to be through the we may have to be jumping in the neighbor's pool as well. I shall return.........LATER..............
*****P.S. Theson finally posted to Past the Velvet Rope, after a three month absence. It was my he has been helping me through all the hospitalizations and medical issues. Check it out, he has a lot to cover, but it will take him a few weeks. He did manage to save the links he wanted to post, so give him time. Thanks! DON'T FORGET TO STOP BY: PAST THE VELVET ROPE (FRIDAY POSTINGS)
I knew the cat was watching me more than he should...bad habit!!
So....I look like a college graduate????
Wait till "the girl" gets even Buster!!!
Not in your lifetime little pussy!!!
OMG.....a cat God too???? Get the gun!!!
And now for the hero cat of the week. This beautiful black cat with green eyes is lucky to be he's bionic almost...WONDERFUL. Click highlighted words for details.
(Click to embiggen!)
This is one match I would love to watch...providing I had nothing better to do with my time. I can't imagine any tennis player having the stamina to play over NINE hours straight. this game is STILL BE PLAYED mind you. I have scoured the interwebs and can't even find the match being streamed....grrrrr. I am having to settle for these nail biter World Cup matches.
USA! USA! USA! Just when I thought we were going to lose (because England was ahead in their match 1-0), at 91 minutes into the game, Landon Donovan kicks the winning GGGGOOOOAAALLLLL!!
This is going to be short and sweet as a nasty storm is rolling in and I have to call the vets to see how Angel is doing. I called at 3:30pm and she was still in surgery. I would imagine since the surgery is running so late, they will keep her overnight - which is fine with me.
Have a great day all...I shall return....later................. DON'T FORGET TO STOP BY: PAST THE VELVET ROPE (FRIDAY POSTINGS)