I thank thedaughter for all her updates here and on Facebook, and for the wonderful thoughts headed in my direction.
I still cannot talk well, after being on a vent for so many days, my stamina is less than a newborn as well. I have made some progress ordering Christmas presents online....but shopping for my children is going to be the problem.
We celebrated our Thanksgiving - Wednesday evening, so our family present exchange may be a few days later as well. My vision has been affected by all the meds they have seen fit to put into my body - and I am now a complete nervous wreck. Other than that I am fine.
I WILL NOT BE DISCUSSING POLITICS (THIS IS KILLING ME) TILL AFTER THE FIRST OF THE YEAR. thedaughter thinks I should absolutely stop all political opinions - which is sooooo not happening.
I will be trying to get back to some regular posting in 2010, but need this time now to recuperate.
Have a wonderful HOLIDAY SEASON ALL!!! I am putting an ocassional update on Facebook, but honestly have limited strength to stay online for long periods right now.

Wow, glad you're home. Put your feet up, take it easy, and get better fast. Does thegrandson know how to make a cup of tea?
Glad to have you with us again. ;o)
Of all of the updates in my feed, this was the best one!!!!
Take care of yourself, rest, be with loved ones and we'll be here whenever you feel like catching up!
Take your time, no pressure. Glad you are home.
You really do need to take the time to get well and not worry about anything other than that. Politics sucks as usual and would probably make you blow a gasket so maybe just is small doses ;~)
Oh!! I'm so glad to know you are doing better!!!!! Take good care of yourself.... Take time time get all well... and be gentle with yourself!!! Best!
Take all the time you need to recuperate. That's the most important thing. As long as you're doing better, that's all that matters. Have a wonderful holiday season.
welcome home, glad you are doing better! Thedaughter is right, no political talk for now, it causes anxiety, I KNOW!!
My day is now complete and successful.
I'm glad to hear that you are back home and on the road to recovery. Take care of yourself. We will handle the politics. Besides nothing gets done during Christmas so relax and enjoy the holidays.
I'm very happy you're home and recovering! Take care of yourself and let us know how you're doing when you can. Have a great Christmas!
Just chill out and take care of yourself! Glad you are home.
The important thing is that you take time to recover well and do what the docs tell you! I don't give a sh*t about politics and I think you should shelve it if it contributes to your not being well!
Welcome back and you have been missed tremendously! You had me worried there for a minute, but only a minute! I know you're a fighter and would get better. It will take awhile to fully recuperate, so I hope you take all the time you need. I'm so happy you got to spend some time with theSon too! You and your family have a Merry Christmas too! Take it easy for at least the rest of 2000, ok!?
Take your time and keep healing. The blogs will be out here when you are feeling better.
Welcome home!!! Good to have you back!
Hi there!
So glad to hear that you are better and getting ready to celebrate Christmas with your loved ones.
Lisa requested that I blogroll you, so I hope we'll get a chance to email and exchange greetings, etc.
Happy Holidays to us!
Wishing you a quick and smooth recovery. Looking forward to hearing from you again. Peace to you and yours this holiday season.
I needed a bit of good news today... thanks for providing it!
A Merry Christmas or Happy H. or whatever you celebrate at Solstice. Glad you are home and healing!
Glad to hear that you're back. Hey, how 'bout those Browns? ;-)
I'm so glad that you're back! I hope that you and your family will enjoy a lovely holiday season. Thank your kids again for keeping us up to date on what was happening. Doug and I checked in everyday to see what was going on.
Yay! You're back!
It will take time getting your strength back, but it will come.
Mama Buzzardbilly had a massive heart attack in 2003 and was on a vent for several weeks in some kind of comalike state. When she started coming to it was real slow going. As soon as you're well enough to, they'll put you in cardiac rehab (which is an exercise, diet, and lifestyle deal that truly helps). You would not believe the weight that Mom lost going to cardiac rehab three days a week. In a matter of weeks she went from having to use a walker to get around to mindlessly rolling her walker toward the buggy bunch at the end of shopping because she felt so good she forgot it was a walker. You are over the worst of it. Well, except for the politics embargo. The news has mostly been about Tiger Woods's waitress addiction anyhow.
Mom!! It's great to learn you are back! Rest, get healthy, and don't worry about the politics. We'll carry on the fight for you until you're ready and well.
So glad to hear you came through the worst of it. Do everything you need to to get back to full strength. We all missed you.
Glad to hear you are home and on your feet again. Now you can put your feet up and relax to recuperate.
I'm so relieved you're on the mend and back home. Much thanks to your daughter for keeping us informed.
I hate xmas, sick or well, but I know that you actually enjoy the whole holiday thing. So I hope you can have a laid back, easy going holiday season for once.
So Happy to see you are back. I've been chacking frequently. You take care and have some relaxing holidays.
There is no doubt that there will be plenty to get riled up about in 2010. So rest up!!
I'm soooooo glad you're back! You had us all worried!
I know you won't stop with the political opinions, but maybe take a vacation for awhile. Your health is more important.
Hope your Christmas is merry and UNEVENTFUL!!!!
Lots of love!
OH YEAH!!! You are back and you will get stronger every day. Except with your opinions - they my dear are pretty strong already. ;)
Mom - so glad to hear that you are doing as well as could be expected. I've been busy harassing other people while you were gone.
Please don't scare us like that again! Take your time getting better, have a great time with your family home, rest and enjoy yourself.
We're just all so glad that you're ok!
Merry Christmas to Mom and all here, except the SPAMMER.
Ho Ho Ho! Merry Christmas to all you cool cats and pretty kitties! And have a purrrfect New Year!
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