
Ya have to start 'em YOUNG!!!! So they can master the "night attack!"
I wondered where my earrings went1!! You can "keep 'em!" may be broke...but look at all that "cuteness!"
OK...I won't tell you again..."STOP PLAYING WITH THE CAR!"
I told you not add Glenn Beck!
Now you look like my cardiologist!
You were right...what else can I say!
Well, Caturday is here....but Wimbledon is taking the center stage right now. We have no solid plans for this holiday weekend, but we did buy a BUNCH of fireworks to set off with the neighbors.
Hope everyone has a safe and Happy Fourth of July!! The temps are supposed to be through the we may have to be jumping in the neighbor's pool as well. I shall return.........LATER..............
*****P.S. Theson finally posted to Past the Velvet Rope, after a three month absence. It was my he has been helping me through all the hospitalizations and medical issues. Check it out, he has a lot to cover, but it will take him a few weeks. He did manage to save the links he wanted to post, so give him time. Thanks! DON'T FORGET TO STOP BY: PAST THE VELVET ROPE (FRIDAY POSTINGS)