I have been in bed for the past two days with a super summer flu!! My major accomplishment is trying to BREATHE, between a stuffy head and horrendous cough. I decided to try to get up and work "with" it today - maybe get all this crap to move further out of my body.
Anyway, I was devastated when I heard on CNN about the search teams finding the body of the missing pregnant woman from Canton, Jessie Marie Davis. Being such a news junkie, it was all so identical to the Laci Peterson disappearance a few years back. With so many details being disclosed almost immediately, i.e., the married boyfriend, prior child from said boyfriend, two year old sons limited verbal account...of course the boyfriend would have been suspect #1. And he is a Canton, Ohio policeman...a cop who had been terminated in the past for giving his cousin a service revolver, but reinstated on a technicality. He has prior charges of domestic violence and assault - so no way he could not be considered a "suspect."
But what amazed me the most was a family member of the suspect, said that his family had to leave suspects house, after receiving numerous calls from people claiming to be "THE KLAN!" Startling - hate never goes away. Where I grew up you never heard the "N" word and everyone got along well. When I moved here to Ohio, it was the word of the day. I was here for a couple of years when a friend took me to a bar called the 3 K's - dumb me, I never made any connection to the Klan. Apparently this area was a hub for the Ku Klux Klan, and a very prominent physician, for which there are buildings named after, held a very high position within the Klan, possibly high wizard or something. To this day, the hate still brews. I get boiling mad when I hear the "N" word used as if it were a persons name. In order to warrant the name calling - one would have to prove to be worthy of such derogatory remarks. Just being a person of color does not get it. The younger generations may be the ones to make the prejudice disappear as there are so many bi-racial relationships in this once "white power" area. I was raised that people who had to revert to calling people names were ignorant...a thought I hold today. I should hope that someday, whether you are white, black, red or some mix, the realization will be made that we are people first - color has no bearing. Aspire to the best you can be, and color has no place. I doubt in my lifetime that this can be accomplished, because past generations have ingrained their hate in following generations. Sad but true.
I truly hope that justice is served by the judicial system when the trial begins for this man...a 26 year old soon to give birth woman, was struck down for no apparent reason other than "fear" on his part. He made his bed but didn't know where to lay. We shall see.
Everyone stay healthy (I'm getting there) and TTFN.
Open Thread March 5 2025
13 hours ago