YUCK!! I've only seen a tiny video clip of these two IDIOTS, hugging on stage at this big rally today. If I could view more than that...I might go blind or...insane.
Can you imagine - two brain cell challenged women on the same stage - WITH a fan club????? WTF is wrong with the American public? I should certainly hope that Batshit crazy woman still tells her constituents to NOT fill out their census forms -I would love for her to be surprised to find out she has NO district at all, by such an action.

Bachmann is shoved so far up Palin's ass - she came out looking like this picture above....scary huh???? I remember after one of W's State of the Union speeches...Bachmann literally stepping over her fellow house members to get her picture taken with the chimp and get his autograph. I knew from that minute, this was one whacked broad.
I'm sure the main gist of this rally speech is centered around the Health Care Reform bill. Considering both these morons contributed greatly to ALL the lies which went viral over the HCR bill - I'm sure those in attendance will be shouting those LIES as loudly as possible. Oh, I do so hope Bachmann gets to also perpetuate her "re-education" camps while she is at it. (Damn, ended the sentence with a preposition). I also hope she gets the opportunity (either female character) to reinforce the fact that THEY and only THEY know what is best for all Americans. At least those of us with many, many more brain cells than both these idiots combined - have a hard time rationalizing that statement.
The party that allowed us to go to war (not declared by Congress), the party that forgot (??) to even fund their war, the party that allowed corporate greed to dominate the free market to the point of extinction...........yep, sounds like a good choice to put back in power.
So much more to say, but I'm tired and heading to the shower and then off to bed. Have a great evening folks. Relish in the fact that the TWO SUPERWOMEN have taken over Minneapolis - and luckily WE ARE NOT THERE!!